Karuna is a Sanskrit word that means compassionate action.
It is an unbounded compassion that is taken to diminish the suffering of others. Karuna Reiki accesses even higher vibrational frequencies and has a more feminine feel than Usui Reiki, allowing one to work more closely with enlightened beings such as; Kuan Yin, Mother Mary, Jesus, Kannon and other Bodhisattvas, who are emissaries of this great healing vibrational energy.
With Karuna Reiki healing often occurs on a cellular level, healing past life issues and unconscious patterns.
Benefits of Karuna Reiki®: ~Development of compassionate action ~Heightens clairvoyance and awareness ~Greater creativity ~Deeper grounding for self and clients ~Balances the higher mind and the personality self ~Ability to connect to great spiritual beings ~ cellular memory release ~generational healing of our ancestors and our future
Karuna I Class Now Forming: Karuna Reiki®Training (must be level ART or Master) has two levels with eight symbols and three Master symbols, which equip the Usui Reiki Master with more healing tools. Each of the eight symbols has a different frequency and a different way of assisting the healing process.
In Karuna Level I, the four symbols are used for: (1) reducing pain and preparing for deep healing (2) healing deeply (3) filling the client with love and infinite compassion (4) grounding and bringing peace
Class forming: In Karuna Level II, there are four more symbols which help:
(5)connect to Higher Self, Higher Mind and Higher Expression (6) physical manifesting and healing human race (7) self-empowerment and healing addictions (8) bring peace and create trust in life
See contact information..or email EmbraceLight44@gmail.com Vistit www.LIHealingArts.com for more information
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